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My son used to work for a restaurant.  He lives pretty much hand to mouth. And thanks to Covered California, can even pay for his own health insurance. He also pays his fair share of taxes. Most PEOPLE working in America do.  Except, I hear, for most corporations (who are considered “people”? WTF) and well, rich folk.  At least not proportionally so. 

My son received a direct deposit into his bank account from the government today.  A stimulus “check.” This will help him stay afloat given his place of work has closed due to the pandemic and he is no longer able to earn a wage that allows him to affront his (thankfully low) expenses.  

This money, this aid in a time of need? It didn’t come out of thin air, wasn’t bequeathed by a king, didn’t grow on trees or come from some rich man’s pocket.  It comes from a collective group of PEOPLE who paid (or will pay, given that, yeah… it’s actually kind of a loan from the future) into the system.  

PEOPLE helping PEOPLE.  That is what is happening. 

So for those of you receiving a paper check in the mail instead of direct deposit? Please remember, that check is NOT from the person who has supposedly signed the check.  Like I said… this money does NOT come from a rich man’s pocket.  I’m sorry, but if it were up to him, he’d never offer you a dime. He only knows how to help himself. 

Remember It’s a Wonderful Life? Jimmy Stewart? When the chips were down? Who showed up (besides the angel…)? 


This check, this help to tide us through a hard time? It comes from US. All of US. 

We are all helping EACH OTHER.


We’re in this Together.


Liberation Day

